GapPlan Agri-Audit-Preparation
We assist on Farm scheme and food safety audits

We make sure you are ready!

We conduct a pre-audit a month in advance to ensure that producers are ready for their audit, ensuring continued compliance.

We assist producers to know what the audit standard expects of you. .We also update your audit information and prepare checklists and risk assessments to address your farms specific situation, ensuring continued compliance.

All Digital, Easy to Follow

Our Checklists are Farm Specific

We assist producers to understand what the audit standard expects of them in order to comply.

GapPlan Agri assists producers with compiling checklists which is farm specific and address the need of the producer.

With a pre - audit so much as a month before your actual audit, you have less to worry about on the day

Complete Risk Assessment Checklist

We provide you with the following:

  1. Prepare Risk Assessments to be farm specific.
  2. Prepare Checklists
  3. Update your Audit information
  4. Guide you to know that a job completed was done correctly!
GapPlan-Agri Total Assistance
Let us give you a stress - free audit experience.

Total Assistance

Producers enjoy their own private portal where their information can be stored safely, and be available for their use at any time.

Checklists are compiled in a way that it can be completed on the system and saved. Guidelines are provided on each aspect required in the audit timing, such as:

  1. Areas to be included when taking water samples
  2. Rules to which your chemical store needs to comply and
  3. Information needed on chemical / fertilizer application records
  4. And more!
About Us

What is GapPlan?

GapPlan was created to make GLOBALG.A.P easy for our producers. GapPlan has been in the business for 8 years and assists more than 25 producers in comply to the changing requirements with ease as an electronic audit procedure is followed. Why don't you reach out to us now?.
About us!

Perfect Team

We assist producers to know what the audit standard expects of you. We conduct a pre-audit a month in advance to ensure that producers are ready for their audit. We also update your audit information and prepare checklists and risk assessments to address your farms specific situation.

Agricultural Researcher at the ARC 20Years
Lecturer at CPUT in the Agricultural Department 15Years
Auditing at GapPlan 8Years

we are always ahead

All our farmers enjoys their own private portal

We have your BEST Interest at heart!

If an up-coming GLOBALG.A.P audit cause you sleepless nights – reach out to GapPlan for the support you need to succeed!

It’s time to SUCCEED!

Production Manager

You take care of your farm, We will take care of your GLOBALG.A.P

Contact us for more information about our services.

Request a Free Consultation

Whatever crop you farm with, we're here to help audits go right.
Get a quote or Contact Us Now.


We offer our farmers special training to help them with the requirements. Everything is digital. So now you can take your phone / tablet with you, fill the forms in, submit, and done!
How to upload your documents

How to upload your documents

Short description on how to upload their documents / how to videos can be displayed here

How to Register on our Website

How to Register on our Website

Short description on how to upload their documents / how to videos can be displayed here

How to test your ground

How to test your ground

Short description on how to upload their documents / how to videos can be displayed here


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